SEEL Tri-Cities has it's own website now. For more about SEEL and the Spiritual Exercises, Contact SEEL Tri-Cities here or to download or fill out the application for the next season, you can register here.

19th Annotation Spiritual Exercises Meeting Materials are available in English and some are available in Spanish!

We have several books and manuals for the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises. All are available through Or you can contact us directly. Just send an email to info at spiritual-exercises dot com.
Currently, six books are available. These include:
- Taking the Exercises to the World - Conducting Group Meetings for the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, 19th Annotation. This book is available in both Spanish and English on or contact us directly for wholesale orders.
- Group Supervision, Method and Practice - a small handbook for group supervision. (Used as a textbook by Ignatian Retreat Center, Orange, CA.) This book is available in English and Spanish on, or contact us directly for quantity wholesale orders.
- Discerning God's Call - Helping people discern God's call to directing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, 19th Annotation. Discerning God's Call has been updated and revised for the coming season. For those discerning a call to spiritual direction with the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius 19th Annotation. Find this book on, or contact us directly for quantity wholesale orders.
- Preparation Days Retreat Materials (5 week program of prayer - all materials)
- Materials are available in both Spanish and English

To read what Fr. Larry Gooley, JS has to say about these materials, click here.
To read what Fr.Joseph Conwell, SJ has to say about these materials, click here.
Or read some of our customer comments below.
Customer Comments:
"We have been using Taking the Exercises to the World and find it a good resource. Therefore, we'd like to order more. Please send us another one." Holy Spirit Center, AK.
"I am president of Bridges (19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises) in St. Louis, MO. I am in the process of starting a program in St. Louis' black community in September. I am in dire need of your Taking the Exercises to the World CD with templates and forms. I have meeting with the committee that is handling the gathering of people to make the Annotation soon. Please ship as soon as possible."
"Your book has been really helpful for our yearly planning of retreats and we are using some of your format for our first meeting. Thanks a log!" Ann M, MT.